Striping A Parking Lot

image4A parking lot is one of the first things noticed by customers and others driving by. Our customer feedback has proven that a newly striped lot brings attention to any business.
The goal of striping a parking lot is to get as many vehicles in and out in a safe manner to maximize your profits. Universal stencils help with direction to areas of concern such as arrows, cross walks, stop bars, handicap spaces, no parking, fire lanes, etc. At the time when markings are faded or no longer visible to drivers restriping is needed. Depending on the amount of traffic, you can get from one to several years before maintenance is needed. Your business and customers will benefit from a well marked parking lot.

Locally Owned and Operated

Kevin Newlen

Kevin Newlen, owner of White Wolf Striping

White Wolf Striping offers professional parking lot line striping NH State wide. Kevin Newlen, owner of White Wolf Striping will personally work on your project.  Kevin provides a personal touch with quality service, business owners and contractors deserve.

An estimate will be provided for each project and specify the services for your approval. You can be confident that were fully insured and the project will be completed on time. Being centrally located we have the ability for fast reliable service you can count on.

Striping Equipment

We use the industries leader, Graco LineLazer® IV 3900 with Auto-Layout and the Graco LineLazer® 3400 both are airless machines. Combined with our premium traffic paint we have professional looking results.

Kevin Newlen, Owner of White Wolf Striping In Action

Here is a video of Kevin at work on one of his client’s projects:


Serving the Lakes Region and all of NH. Call us anytime at 603-630-3203 for a free estimate.